Sunday 30 October 2011

Love and Hurt

Poem Love and Hurt

Poems on Love and hurt by Sri Chinmoy

Before you hurt others,
Hurt yourself first.
It will make you wise.
Before you love yourself,
Try to love others first.
It will make you perfect.

You have the power that hurts.
He has the love that heals.
I have the light that sees.
God has the Compassion that feels

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme,
How is it possible for me
To hurt the ones
That I love deeply?
"My child, here is the proof
That you do not actually love them."
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme,
Now tell me,
Do I not sincerely and deeply
Love You, my Supreme?
Why do You then hurt me so often,
If not always?  
"My child, My child,
Go beyond, far beyond,
The boundaries of your futile mind.
Then you will have the answer
From Me."
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!


No matter how intensely you love God  
In His own Way,
You will never get hurt.
But if you love God in your own way,
At every moment you will get hurt.

Friday 21 October 2011


HI Suma...jemput la ramai2 layan blog saya.
itu pun kalau sudi la. plis jd follower saya ek...

Thursday 20 October 2011

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